
Financial Reporting

Report on all necessary key metrics for your debt portfolio. Make sure you operate within your financing framework by keeping track of rate-& capital maturity, debt, LTV, rate costs – and more.

Interest Rate Derivatives

Report on historical debt portfolio and simulate to plan ahead

Financing costs

Key figures on financing costs with a multitude of different filters and options. Drill down to explore interest rate terms, set-up fees, derivative and hedging costs and margins. Financing benchmarks coming soon.

Maturity Profile

Get an instant overview of your maturity profile, analyze interest rate risks on your debt and refinancing risk. You can instantly export the necessary tables and key figures needed when IFRS reporting on debt.


Forecast your debt position and interest rate costs to see outstanding debt & derivatives. You can either use the existing market forward rates as underlying reference rate or make your own assumptions.


Get an easy overview of your current and historical; counterpart exposure, floating-to-fixed ratio, green-asset ratio and more. Use case for reporting against board members, shareholders and counterparts.

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